“Mighty Mason” Sieck was a 7 year old boy who had the most amazing connection with God and his faith. He loved life to the fullest and wanted to help anyone he could. At the age of 2, he was diagnosed with a rare disease called “Gardner’s Syndrome”. Gardner’s syndrome is FAP (Familial Adenomatious Polyposus) with Desmoid tumors. Also a fancy way to say he would get colon cancer, be high risk for many other cancers, and had desmoid tumors. Desmoid tumors are cancerous and non cancerous soft tissue growths. Most people with this disease, have either one or two tumors with it, or no tumors at all. Mason had over 40 tumors throughout his body. They caused extreme amounts of pain. All of his medical treatments were at the University of Minnesota, where the Pediatric Oncology Desmoid Tumor Specialist was located. Mason had a team of 9 specialists. At his hospital stay in October, we received the news no parent wants to hear. Mason needed to be on hospice. All they could do for him was pain management. We tried hospice at home and that didn’t work. We went back to his Palliative Care doctor in Minneapolis and they said they had a solution for us. The pediatric hospice house not too far from the hospital, would take him and our family.
The next day we moved our family 5 hours away, to Crescent Cove Respite and Hospice home for kids in Minneapolis, Minnesota. We walked in those doors and instantly knew we were at home. We instantly knew we made the right decision. We instantly knew they would make a big difference. We can’t say enough about how amazing it was there and how much we appreciated all they did for us. What we can say is, they made us feel loved, welcomed, and not alone. They helped us make as many memories as we could, with the days we had left together. Everyday that Mason woke up, he would say “Mama, I love it here”. They went above and beyond their call of duty and we are forever grateful for them.
From having that experience, we have decided to open a Respite and Hospice house for kids, here in Iowa. It will be called Mason’s Light House. We know Mason’s light will be guiding us in each and every step to make this a perfect home for every family that walks through our doors. This will be the 4th Pediatric Respite and Hospice house in the United States. The other two in Arizona and California are pediatric and adult. Crescent Cove in Minneapolis is the only strictly pediatric hospice house in the United States. We are looking into a location around the Iowa City area.We are excited to help children and families who have to go through the unimaginable so that their experience is the best it can possibly be.
We have had a Mighty Mason Golf Tournament every year since Mason was diagnosed. It was his favorite day of the whole year. The money was used for medical bills, traveling to and from appointments, and hospital stays. Some of it was donated to Global Genes for rare disease research. Money was also donated to the Desmoid Tumor Research Fund. Money raised, used to go into an account called the Mighty Mason Fund. That fund now gives scholarships to graduating Grinnell High School Seniors, helps fill the food pantry, donates meals at holidays to the needy, and helps with various projects around the community.
After Mason passed away in March of 2021, we knew instantly that every kid who needed hospice care or respite care deserved to have a space of their own. A home to feel loved, safe, receive the best medical care, and be as happy as possible in. A place to make memories and take the time they need with their family and friends beside them. A place for families not to have to worry about any cost while staying there. That place is Mason's Light House.
There are only 3 Hospice and Respite homes for kids in the United States. Only one of those is strictly pediatric. We decided to start our own pediatric hospice and respite home in Mason's memory. It will be the first one in Iowa.
On October 19th, 2021 Mason's Light House became a non-profit charity.
In 2023 we raised $141,697.67
We have found land in Iowa City to build Mason's Light House, We have a conceptual design and budget. We will be kicking off our capital campaign this fall. We have met with the University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital - Palliative Care team and they couldn't be more excited for us to get up and running. We are currently working on several events for 2025, legislature, and submitting grants.
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